Tuesday, March 6, 2007

In the beginning...

This is my first step into the world of blogging, where I am hoping to create a forum for patient information. If you are interested in the subject of Patient or Healthcare informatics, then this is a forum for you.

This is not intended as a blog where patients bash the medical profession, but will host a more rational discussion of patient related issues, whether they appear in the press, medical journals, from personal experiences, heard on the street, or inputs from patients highlighting issues of concern to them. Of course, I hope that medical professionals will also publish their thoughts on patients, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Feel free to comment, but please don't be abusive or coarse, because that will be blocked as much as possible.

If you are criticized here, then don't take offense, but give us your perspective. A good debate on the issues helps to clear up the misunderstandings that happen every day.

Is this too ambitious? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Let me know.



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